There are still jobs on the part of the contractor in the swimming pool that cannot be coordinated out of business hours!

We apologize for the inconvenience!



  • The facilities of the swimming pool can be used by everyone under their own responsibility.
  • The main use of the pool is to help the development of any sports in connection with swimming and water polo. The 50-meter competition pool might only be available for a limited period of time to the individuals occasionally visiting the pool. The basic tasks of the manager and the employees of the establishment are to give civilized and professional service to the contestants and the public, also to validate the regulations
    regarding health, accident prevention, personal and property protection.


  • Any information regarding the opening time (operating time) and the timetable of the pool can be found on the information board in the hall, on the website ( www.gydu.hu ) and at the cashier where our colleagues will also be more than happy to help. The operating time can be changed by the management at any time if it`s justified (event, competition, technical problems, water scarcity, etc.), if this occurs visitors will not be compensated.

Opening hours:
– Weekdays: 6:00 – 21:00
– Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 8:00 – 20:00



  • Some areas of the building are equipped with electronic surveillance; these areas are clearly signed. On purchasing the entrance ticket, the visitors acknowledge that electronic surveillance systems are installed in some areas.
  • It is prohibited to take pictures, to record or to film without permission in the establishment, permission can only be granted by the management team.
  • It is forbidden to take photographs, film or take pictures in the swimming pool area without permission.


  • Visitors can only be in the establishment during opening hours
  • By purchasing the admission/seasonal ticket, and with the use of the pool, visitors accept the regulations of the Policy.
  • Entering the building is only possible with a valid ticket. Tickets (one-off or seasonal) can be purchased at the cashier located by the entrance. The ticket is only valid for the service or services purchased.
  • A proxy watch or plastic card will serve as the pass.
  • The use of the proxy watch  compulsory. The employees of the establishment can carry out a check at any point within the opening time.
  • The listed price of the services includes the service charge, therefore the swimming pool staff may not charge the guest any gratuity in addition to the swimming pool service charge and may not accept any gratuity for any purpose (e.g. ticket change, custody).
    – The wellness (jacuzzi and sauna) supplementary ticket is only available to holders of a valid residential season ticket or with the simultaneous purchase of a day ticket. No additional wellness ticket may be purchased on its own.
  • Transferring the athlete admission handed out to the athletes is prohibited. If someone does it, the athlete discount can be revoked by the management.
  • Transferring the yearly pass and the registered admission card is prohibited.
  • The season tickets are valid until a set date. The 2 hours, daily tickets and the combined tickets are only valid for the day of the purchase. If the ticket is lost while in the building, a new ticket has to be purchased. This doesn`t affect the combined tickets.
  • In the case of a group ticket, the group`s details (the name of the guide, how many in the group) will be recorded at the cashier. The guides will be responsible for their own group.
  • By law, the entrance can be declined if the visitor does not obey the Policy, also if a part of the pool area is out of order (renovation or repairs).

Details of the large indoor pool (competition pool):
– Size: 50 * 25 m
– Volume of the pool: 2750 m3
– Water surface: 1250 m2
– Water depth: 2,2 m
– Water temperature: 26-27 °C
– Capacity of the pool: 250 people can be in the pool at the same time.

Teaching pool data:
– Size: 20 * 10 m
– Volume of the pool: 176 m3
– Water surface: 200 m2
– Water depth: 0,8 and 1,2 m
– Water temperature: 30-32 °C
– Capacity of the pool: 70 people can be in the pool at the same time.

Outdoor (swimming) pool data:
– Size: 33,33 * 21 m
– Volume of the pool: 1400 m3
– Water surface: 700 m2
– Water depth: 2,0 m
– Water temperature: 26-27 °C
– Capacity of the pool: 140 people can be in the pool at the same time.

Jacuzzi pool data:
– Size (diameter): 283 cm
– Volume of the pool: 2 m3
– Water surface: 2 m2
– Water depth: 90 cm
– Water temperature: 34-36 °C
– Capacity of the pool: 5 people can be in the pool at the same time.



  • The person responsible for making sure the visitors comply with the rules and regulations, is always the lifeguard on duty, who’s main priorities are to prevent accidents and to give first aid when necessary. These tasks to be fulfilled with politeness, confidence, and helpfulness.
  • The instructions of the lifeguards should always be respected by everyone (athletes, coaches, the public)
  • Using the showers before using the pool and jacuzzi is compulsory.
    The use of swim caps and swimwear in the pool is compulsory. The use of slippers, gaiters or booties is compulsory in the whole establishment (for accompanying guests and visitors too).
  • 30 minutes before closing time the pool and the pool area needs to be cleared, the lifeguard can give warning to the visitors to make sure this rule is followed by. The cashier closes 1 hour before the closing of the establishment.
  • The 1.35-meter water is classified as deep water, therefore these pools can only be used by swimmers, or by those who participate in either organized or supervised swimming lessons.
  • People who cannot swim are not allowed in the deep-water pools even if they are using equipment such as a swimming ring or an armband.
  • It is also not allowed to enter deep-water pools with swimming aids (floatation devices, floatation devices).
  • The use of handstands, frog rests or other assistive devices in the outdoor 33 m and indoor 50 m competition pools is only permitted for competitive athletes certified by the District II Sports and Recreation Nonprofit Ltd. and for participants in swimming lessons organized by the District II Sports and Recreation Nonprofit Ltd.
  •  The lifeguard can ask visitors to leave the pool if they detect that the swimmer has no swimming skills or the skill is questionable, also if the Policy is not being followed or it has been violated. In this case the visitor will not get a refund. In case of an accident caused by questionable swimming skills, the management will not take responsibility.
  • Under 6 years old, or under 14 years old who are unable to swim, can only enter the pool with parent supervision. The children`s guardian and parents are responsible for the child`s safety at all times, also the instructors, coaches are responsible for the safety of the person belongs to them, regarding their physical integrity and behavior. Pregnant women will have to contact their physician before using the pool and its facilities.
  • The entrance of the pool is prohibited if the visitor has no appropriate swimwear on (wears knee-high shorts with pockets, Bermuda shorts, diving suit, T-shirt, etc.). The only exceptions are for special lessons or training.
  • Eating, contaminating the water, making loud noises, jumping in the water, acting dangerously which might cause an accident (pushing each other under water, diving without breathing when the instructor is not there, etc.) by the pool is prohibited. Jumping in the pool from the side is strictly prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to take into the establishment (including the sauna and the sauna area) of fragile items such as drinking glassware, glass bottles, etc., or any items which might cause harm or damage.
  • Ball games are restricted in the establishment, except at organized events (summer camps), water polo practice and matches.
  • Running in the establishment is strictly forbidden.
  • Visitors must comply with the hygienic and sanitation rules and must keep the cleanliness of the establishment.
  • Personal items and items for everyday use can be brought in to the pool.
  • For the protection of the visitors` health and safety, entering the pool will be declined for those who:
    • have a fever, suffering from contagious gastrointestinal or dermatosis
    • suffering from illness-causing spasms or fainting, or has any pathological changes
    • is drunk
    • is under the influence of drugs or any narcotics.
  • It is strictly forbidden to get the building or the pool dirty, for visitors to wash with soap or any washing liquid in the pool. In summer after using sun protection creams, sun lotions or any protection oils, the pools can only be entered after a thorough shower.
  • The visitor, who contaminates the water to an extent that the operator will have to pay for damage caused (for example water replacement) will be fully responsible. A child who is not potty trained or an adult suffering from incontinence can only be in the pool with swimming diapers.
  • Smoking is permitted only in the designated areas.
  • Eating is only permitted in the cafeteria or the hall.
  • To violate public order and other visitor`s pieces and relaxing time is prohibited.
  • Behavior detrimental to public morals entails infringement proceedings.
  • Bringing in firecrackers, blunt instruments, cutting tools or any offensive weapon is prohibited.
  • Pets are not allowed in the building, except dogs working with the security guards and guide dogs.
  • Damage caused deliberately or carelessly to the pieces of equipment and objects of the pool will be paid for by the person who caused them.
  • The pools are sometimes only available on a limited basis for courses, training and competitions. The public will be informed of this at the ticket office, on our Facebook page and on our website.
  • Only training sessions and swimming lessons organised and supervised by instructors, coaches and staff employed by the swimming pool, including the pools, may be held throughout the swimming pool. No outside persons may conduct any instruction or training in the entire swimming pool area, even if they have purchased a ticket.
  • The swimming pool operator is not responsible for accidents resulting from lack of swimming skills.

You are also not allowed to use the sauna:
– whose doctor does not recommend it for health reasons, the swimming pool does not take any responsibility for any damage to health or death resulting from non-compliance. Any person using the sauna does so at their own risk.

– no alcohol, drugs, food or smoking is allowed in the jacuzzi or sauna and its lobby,
– the use of slippers or other footwear is prohibited in the sauna, please note that the sauna floor may be very wet, so please pay extra attention to avoid slipping,
– wear jewellery, watches with metal parts and glasses in the sauna as they may cause burns
– children under 14 years of age are not allowed in the sauna, children over 14 years of age may use the sauna under the constant supervision and responsibility of a parent or adult,
– The guests are not allowed to pour any liquids, chemicals, sauna oil or even essential oils on the sauna stove, and it is forbidden to pour sauna oil on the sauna,


  • Lockers are only suitable and used to put clothes in.
    Any personal belongings (valuables, jewelry, watches, keys, phones, IT equipment, ID cards, documents, money, credit cards, etc.) put in the lockers and/or left anywhere in the establishment, and any loss or damages occurring to these belongings, will not be covered nor responsibility is taken by the management.
  • Athletes and the public shall use the lockers in a self-service system can open and close them with their admission watch, which will be taken automatically at the exit gate or needs to be returned to the cashier.
  • In case of losing the watch/card, the incident needs to be reported to the staff on duty (lifeguard, cleaner) who after taking a statement will reopen the locker. Then the person will need to prove that the items in the locker belong to them (ID card, phone, etc.)
  • It is prohibited to litter anywhere in the establishment.
  • Garbage and waste should be placed in the containers designated specifically for this purpose.


  • Lost and found property should be handed to the lifeguard or into the cashier which will be kept for 6 months. Found property will be noted down on a sheet and given back to the rightful owner. Before handing the item back, the visitor shall specify some characteristics of the item to make sure it belongs to him/her.


  • The Guest book is available at the cashier. The management is bound by law to investigate any complaint, observation or suggestion and to act on them within 30 days. The Guest book is available at the cashier. The management is bound by law to investigate any complaint, observation or suggestion and to act on them within 30 days.
  • To any visitor who has been injured or fainted, the lifeguard or personnel able to give First Aid has to be called.
  • In case of a serious injury, the ambulance or a doctor has to be called. In case of a serious injury, the ambulance or a doctor has to be called.
  • The establishment has a first aid room. To the first aiders, there is first aid equipment available, also a defibrillator has been placed by the pool area.
  • Any injuries or accidents need to be reported and noted into the operating log and first aid diary.
  • The management cannot take responsibility for the bicycles and vehicles parked and left by the building. The owner will be liable for all financial implications that occurred in case of damage or stolen vehicles.
  • It is compulsory for all visitors and persons on site to comply with the Policy, the staff on duty are responsible to enforce it. To the person who does not comply with, violates or breaks the rules written in the Policy, an official person (police) can be called. If there is any financial implication, the person responsible can be banned from the pool for a certain period of time.
  • Visitors are entitled to express their opinion on the facility, its quality or to give an oral or written statements to the management regarding the staff`s attitude or record it in the Guest book, which will be erased according to expectations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
    – The car park is on the private property of the swimming pool, so the parts of the Rules and Regulations that apply to car parking also apply here.
    – The swimming pool’s unattended car park provides free parking for guests during opening hours, subject to availability.
    – The swimming pool is not liable for any damage or theft in the car park!
    – In the car park, please follow the direction signs. In the car park, the rules of the Highway Code apply.
    – There is a camera system in the car park. Your personal data and camera footage will be treated confidentially. For information on data handling and recording at the swimming pool, please contact our cashier or visit the Data Handling and Camera System information on our website www.gydu.hu under the tab “Rules of the House”.
    – There are 4 disabled parking spaces directly in front of the main entrance of the swimming pool. These can only be used by authorised persons by displaying their disabled badge in a clearly visible place.
    – The part of the car park to the right of the entrance on Áchim András Street, which can be closed by a barrier, is reserved for the use of the swimming pool staff and VIP guests. Please do not use this area for parking.
    – The larger parking areas to the left of the building are reserved for buses.

We ask our guests to comply with the Policy at all times, so we can provide a civilized and quality service!

13 May 2024

The Management


Gyarmati Dezső Uszoda 
1029 Budapest Máriaremetei út 224.
+36 1 607 8645

II. Kerületi Sport és Szabadidősport Nonprofit Kft. www.masodikkeruletsport.hu