Gyarmati Dezső Uszoda
1029 Budapest Máriaremetei út 224.
+36 1 607 8645
We provide FREE parking for our guests arriving at the swimming pool.
II. Kerületi Sport és Szabadidősport
Nonprofit Kft.
Our other district sports facilities, where other sports can be practiced and courts can be rented:
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Water Polo web
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Water Polo facebook
The water polo facebook page
Address: 1029 Budapest, Máriaremetei út 224.
With car:
The swimming pool provides free parking for its guests. Entrance is from Áchim András Street.
With public transport:
You can reach the swimming pool by BKK trains from Budapest and Solymár.
- BKK bus line 57 Hűvösvölgy-Remetekertváros (round trip)
Get off at Gyarmati Dezső Uszoda stop (8th stop).
From here it is a 1-minute walk to the swimming pool - BKK bus line 257 Hűvösvölgy-Pesthidegkút (round trip)
Get off at Gyarmati Dezső Uszoda stop (9th stop).
From here, it is a 1-minute walk to the swimming pool - Take BKK buses 64, 64A, 164, 264 on the Solymár-Hűvösvölgy line and get off at the Solymári branch stop. From there, transfer to bus 257 and travel one stop to the Gyarmati Dezső Swimming Pool (Colonial Dezső Swimming Pool, stop 0 minute walk) on Máriaremetei Street. There is a sidewalk along the route.
With bicycle:
There is a bicycle and pedestrian path along the Máriaremetei út, Áchim András utca, Kadarka utca, and Szabadság utca lines surrounding the swimming pool.
There are bicycle storage facilities on the left side opposite the building. Please place your bicycles and scooters there!